Wednesday, November 30, 2011


As the holiday season approaches is important that we take the time to take care of ourselves.  We are 3 dimensional beings nurturing mind, body, and spirit. The stress of this time of year can take its toll on everyone. I propose we all take time out for Random Acts of Mind, Body and Spirit!

Random acts of RELAXATION (MIND): The holidays should be fun, but instead, they can be wracked with stress, anxiety and sometimes even depression. By taking random moments just for you, you can help to reduce some of the anxiety and stress. Meditation, prayer and biofeedback are great ways to relax. Taking time to read a good book, taking a leisurely walk or playing a game with the kids are also ways to unwind.

Random acts of EXERCISE (BODY): As the time crunch hits and the holiday parties abound, finding little random moments to exercise can help keep your fitness plan on track and ward off some of the holiday pounds. Find multiple times during the day where you can take a 2-10 minute exercise break. These can be structured exercises like jumping jacks, lunges, or push ups, or spur of the moment opportunities, like taking an extra flight of stairs or dancing around the house. These become cumulative and can help your holiday season run smooth while you stay fit.

Random acts of KINDNESS (SPIRIT): It is especially nice during this time of year to reach out and touch the spirit of another person.  You might make their day or even their holiday season. These acts do not need to be lavish or extravagant. They can be as simple as buying someone their holiday meal, or sharing a smile or a kind word.
By combining Random Acts of Relaxation, Exercise and Kindness we address each component of the individual.  Together, they will relieve stress, keep us healthy, and allow us to reach out and help a neighbor.  HAVE A BLESSED HOLIDAY SEASON!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Jump Rope

All movement requires energy (also known as adenosine triphosphate, or ATP), and our bodies use many energy systems (the ability to convert fat, carbs and protein into ATP) simultaneously to allow us to move with various intensities. The million dollar question is which movement is the best? The answer?? It depends! It depends on what you wish to accomplish.
We all come to the table with different wants and likes, and different body types and health histories.  Therefore, the “best” exercise for you may not be the “best” for someone else. One of the most simple and basic exercises that may work for you may be in your own back yard!  It’s the jump rope! If you are not limited by health concerns, it can add a great metabolic boost and offer the most bang for your work out buck.
To start, jump with both beet together as you swing the rope. Or, alternate the feet as if running.  As you advance you will be able to do a variety of foot positions.

To be an effective jumper it is important to wear a good pair of athletic shoes and be light on the balls of the feet. Make small circles with the wrist while keeping the arms close to the sides of the body. It is important to maintain an upright posture while jumping.

Start with small goals of 20- 50 consecutive jumps, building up to 100 – 500 consecutive jumps. Once you’ve mastered that, work on building up to 10 minutes of non-stop jumping.

Research has found that ten minutes of jump rope is equal to:
·         30 minutes of jogging
·         2 sets of tennis singles
·         18 holes of golf
·         30 minutes of racquet ball playing
Jumping rope can be a versatile tool that can be incorporated in to various aspects of your work out.  It can be an effective warm-up or part of a circuit for high intensity training. It can also be used as an active rest during training, or a workout in and of itself.

No matter how you use the jump rope, it will add variety and intensity to your workouts with almost no equipment.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hi! I'm Your Heart

I look nothing like the valentines and little heart-shaped candies you give out on Valentine's Day. I am actually about 12 oz in weight (about the size of your fist) and reddish – brown in color.  I am a muscle, located in the middle of your chest, slightly to the left.  Many times when people think of me, they think that I am very delicate and even fragile.  This is very far from the truth.  I am strong enough to circulate all the blood around your body about once every minute.  This provides your body with all the oxygen and nutrients it needs.  As the blood pumps through the body it also carries away waste products.  I am a very hard working double pump system.  One pump carries blood to the lungs and the other pump moves the blood out of the lungs into all the working parts of the body.
Generally if you take care of me you don’t need to give me a second thought. I will keep doing my job.  Occasionally, due to heredity, I may cause some problems.  Most of the time the trouble I give you can be avoided by following some simple rules.  First, lets look at your weight.  When you’re overweight it makes me have to work much harder because I have to push the blood through so much more area. Carrying extra weight can also increase your blood pressure which makes me also have to work harder and get very little rest during my rest time (the bottom number of your blood pressure).
The next thing to consider is smoking.  Nicotine is very stressful to me.  It causes my arteries to constrict which again makes me have to work against pressure.  Nicotine is also a stimulant which makes my normal number of beats per minute speed up.
Now, I would like you to consider exercise.  Regular exercise helps to me relax and decrease some of the stress you put on me.  Exercise will also help to burn off some of that extra weight, which will reduce the stress on me.  Additionally, performing regular exercise (most days of the week) at a moderate intensity helps to create the formation of new blood pathways. 
Finally, let’s consider your eating habits.  By following a healthy eating plan that limits fats and sweets you can reduce the plaque that is forming in my arteries.
So if you could watch your weight, stop smoking, get some regular exercise and cut back on the rich foods you and I can work together for a long time!