Wednesday, November 30, 2011


As the holiday season approaches is important that we take the time to take care of ourselves.  We are 3 dimensional beings nurturing mind, body, and spirit. The stress of this time of year can take its toll on everyone. I propose we all take time out for Random Acts of Mind, Body and Spirit!

Random acts of RELAXATION (MIND): The holidays should be fun, but instead, they can be wracked with stress, anxiety and sometimes even depression. By taking random moments just for you, you can help to reduce some of the anxiety and stress. Meditation, prayer and biofeedback are great ways to relax. Taking time to read a good book, taking a leisurely walk or playing a game with the kids are also ways to unwind.

Random acts of EXERCISE (BODY): As the time crunch hits and the holiday parties abound, finding little random moments to exercise can help keep your fitness plan on track and ward off some of the holiday pounds. Find multiple times during the day where you can take a 2-10 minute exercise break. These can be structured exercises like jumping jacks, lunges, or push ups, or spur of the moment opportunities, like taking an extra flight of stairs or dancing around the house. These become cumulative and can help your holiday season run smooth while you stay fit.

Random acts of KINDNESS (SPIRIT): It is especially nice during this time of year to reach out and touch the spirit of another person.  You might make their day or even their holiday season. These acts do not need to be lavish or extravagant. They can be as simple as buying someone their holiday meal, or sharing a smile or a kind word.
By combining Random Acts of Relaxation, Exercise and Kindness we address each component of the individual.  Together, they will relieve stress, keep us healthy, and allow us to reach out and help a neighbor.  HAVE A BLESSED HOLIDAY SEASON!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Jump Rope

All movement requires energy (also known as adenosine triphosphate, or ATP), and our bodies use many energy systems (the ability to convert fat, carbs and protein into ATP) simultaneously to allow us to move with various intensities. The million dollar question is which movement is the best? The answer?? It depends! It depends on what you wish to accomplish.
We all come to the table with different wants and likes, and different body types and health histories.  Therefore, the “best” exercise for you may not be the “best” for someone else. One of the most simple and basic exercises that may work for you may be in your own back yard!  It’s the jump rope! If you are not limited by health concerns, it can add a great metabolic boost and offer the most bang for your work out buck.
To start, jump with both beet together as you swing the rope. Or, alternate the feet as if running.  As you advance you will be able to do a variety of foot positions.

To be an effective jumper it is important to wear a good pair of athletic shoes and be light on the balls of the feet. Make small circles with the wrist while keeping the arms close to the sides of the body. It is important to maintain an upright posture while jumping.

Start with small goals of 20- 50 consecutive jumps, building up to 100 – 500 consecutive jumps. Once you’ve mastered that, work on building up to 10 minutes of non-stop jumping.

Research has found that ten minutes of jump rope is equal to:
·         30 minutes of jogging
·         2 sets of tennis singles
·         18 holes of golf
·         30 minutes of racquet ball playing
Jumping rope can be a versatile tool that can be incorporated in to various aspects of your work out.  It can be an effective warm-up or part of a circuit for high intensity training. It can also be used as an active rest during training, or a workout in and of itself.

No matter how you use the jump rope, it will add variety and intensity to your workouts with almost no equipment.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hi! I'm Your Heart

I look nothing like the valentines and little heart-shaped candies you give out on Valentine's Day. I am actually about 12 oz in weight (about the size of your fist) and reddish – brown in color.  I am a muscle, located in the middle of your chest, slightly to the left.  Many times when people think of me, they think that I am very delicate and even fragile.  This is very far from the truth.  I am strong enough to circulate all the blood around your body about once every minute.  This provides your body with all the oxygen and nutrients it needs.  As the blood pumps through the body it also carries away waste products.  I am a very hard working double pump system.  One pump carries blood to the lungs and the other pump moves the blood out of the lungs into all the working parts of the body.
Generally if you take care of me you don’t need to give me a second thought. I will keep doing my job.  Occasionally, due to heredity, I may cause some problems.  Most of the time the trouble I give you can be avoided by following some simple rules.  First, lets look at your weight.  When you’re overweight it makes me have to work much harder because I have to push the blood through so much more area. Carrying extra weight can also increase your blood pressure which makes me also have to work harder and get very little rest during my rest time (the bottom number of your blood pressure).
The next thing to consider is smoking.  Nicotine is very stressful to me.  It causes my arteries to constrict which again makes me have to work against pressure.  Nicotine is also a stimulant which makes my normal number of beats per minute speed up.
Now, I would like you to consider exercise.  Regular exercise helps to me relax and decrease some of the stress you put on me.  Exercise will also help to burn off some of that extra weight, which will reduce the stress on me.  Additionally, performing regular exercise (most days of the week) at a moderate intensity helps to create the formation of new blood pathways. 
Finally, let’s consider your eating habits.  By following a healthy eating plan that limits fats and sweets you can reduce the plaque that is forming in my arteries.
So if you could watch your weight, stop smoking, get some regular exercise and cut back on the rich foods you and I can work together for a long time!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Many people get stuck, never starting or follow through on an exercise program. They get bogged down on formal conditioning programs which are very structured and aim at achieving a particular goal. More people would have success just by making MOVING as a part of their conditioning program. Moving can be accidental, social and fun. There is definitely a place for structured conditioning, but adherence may be improved if moving for simply enjoyment was just as important.

1) Movements are 3-Dimensional and Dynamic.

2) Movements take into account the effects of gravity.

3) Movements teach your body how to stop, decelerate and control motion.

4) Movements are subconsciously driven...not having to THINK about everything we do.

5) Movements are variable in terms of positions, loads, vertical distance, horizontal distance, and angulations in all three planes of motion and in every possible movement.

6) Movement programs are individualized.

7) Movements are fun and creative and can be applied consistently over time.

8) Movements are done mostly from your feet to take advantage of gravity and ground forces.

9) Movements are specific to your functional needs: Walking, playing with kids, sports, yard work…


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I have had the pleasure of working with Eleanor for a number of years. She is a vibrant, energetic, intelligent 94 year old. Her skill at the bridge table is only surpassed by her dedication to wellness. She is an amazing woman who has inspired many from near and far.  Her attitude and drive is incredible.  She is willing to try anything I throw at her. Her posture, ranges of motion and walking have improved remarkably over the time we have worked together. If you workout in the morning at the Cheek Powell facility you have run across this dynamo on a piece of equipment or hanging off the stretching cage.
Eleanor began with the wellness center back many years ago when they first  built the pool ( that is now gone) and started the first Arthritis class.  She worked in the pool for two years and then started at the wellness center when it was located on Corbett Street.

  Eleanor loved all the exercise classes from Ti-Chi to strength training and aerobics.  She has been very consistent over the years, but has had to take breaks for a hip replacement, knee replacement, a pacemaker and a very serious time with internal bleeding.  Over the last few years her health has remained strong and Eleanor has been an almost daily sight in the mornings at the wellness center.  She works out twice a week with me. We work mainly on balance, improving posture, coordination and agility. You may see her throwing the sandbells or stretching on the TRX.  On her own, she does the machines and the bike, nustep and arc trainer.

In a conversation with Eleanor she has stated, “I give the wellness center full credit for being able to do anything.  They keep up the equipment well and the personnel are very helpful.  It just couldn’t be any better.  I have all these people who talk to me and I feel like they are all my friends.”

She believes that “Exercise is something that should be made part of your lifestyle, a part of your day.  If you have to ‘work it in’, then you haven’t made it part of your lifestyle. I need to have something very important to happen for me not to come in, unless it is very important, I am here.”

Enough words, check out Eleanor in action!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Blood Pressure Awareness

Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood against the walls of the arteries.  Blood pressure is the product of the heart pumping blood out and the resistance it gets traveling through the peripheral vascular system. From a physiological point of view, age, weight, gender, ethnicity and family history all affect blood pressure. Mechanically, the pumping of the heart creates a force as the blood pushes against the walls of the arteries.  This is generally a good thing.  When our blood pressure is too low, we often times feel dizzy and faint, because there is not enough pressure to push the blood to the brain.  Many times this low blood pressure is due to medication or dehydration.  Other times our pressure is too high.  This again can be caused by medication, heredity and/ or lifestyle choices (high fat diet, smoking, lack of exercise)
In reading blood pressure the higher (systolic) number represents the pressure while the heart contracts to pump blood to the body.  The lower (diastolic) number represents the pressure when the heart relaxes and fills between beats.  The systolic pressure is always stated first.  Blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) or below is considered optimal for adults. A systolic pressure of 120 to 139 mmHg or a diastolic pressure of 80 to 89 mmHg is considered "prehypertension" and needs to be discussed with your doctor watched carefully.  A blood pressure reading of 140 / 90 or higher is considered elevated (high) and you will need to confer with your doctor about your best course of action.
Regular exercise also helps you maintain a healthy weight, which is an important way to control blood pressure. But to keep your blood pressure low, you need to keep exercising. It takes about one to three months for regular exercise to have an impact on your blood pressure. The benefits last only as long as you continue to exercise. Studies have shown that moderate aerobic exercise (like walking) is effective in lowering resting blood pressure. Regular physical activity makes your heart stronger. A stronger heart can pump more blood with less effort. If your heart can work less to pump, the force on your arteries decreases, lowering your blood pressure.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011


We live in Florida so hydration always important, but during the hot months staying hydrated is critical. Water is one of the most essential components of the human body. Water regulates the body’s temperature, cushions and protects vital organs, and aids the digestive system. Water makes up 75 percent of all muscle tissue. In addition our fatty tissue is composed of 10 percent water.  Water is also a prime vehicle each cell uses to transport nutrients through the body and dispel waste. And, because water composes more than half of the human body, it is impossible to sustain life for more than a week without it.
It is important to be well hydrated when you begin your exercise. Remember to have adequate fluids accessible during your activity.  Don’t wait till you are thirsty, when your reach that point you are already 2% dehydrated. Having cool fluids on hand not only encourage your to drink during activity but can also help with temperature regulation. After your activity, it's important to rehydrate as soon as possible, preferably within 30 minutes.
One way to measure fluid needs is to weigh pre and post exercise.  Replenish any lost weight. Another easy way to monitor your hydration is by checking the color of your urine. Urine should have a light yellow tinge to it. While it is normal to have darker urine in the morning, try to intake enough fluid during the day to keep urine at a pale yellow color.
Get out and enjoy and bring a bottle of water with you!

Monday, August 15, 2011


Not enough time to exercise? You don’t need to invest an hour or more to get a great work out.  There are many options that can get you through a work out in 20-30 minutes.  The secret to getting the maximum benefit is INTENSITY.  Whatever you choose to do needs to be an intense work out for you.  Step out of your comfort zone and push the envelope a bit. 

When most people hear the word “intensity” when it comes to exercise they think of an Olympic athlete or an extreme athlete.  Fortunately you don’t need to go that far to realize a real benefit. All you need to do is to determine where your threshold is, then step over that line.

There are two important components at work here: the activity you choose, and the work to rest ratio of that activity. The work to rest ratio is simply how hard and long you perform the exercise versus how long you rest.

For example: you might run 7.5 mph for 1 minute (work activity), then jog 5 mph for 2 min (rest activity). Or, Kettlebell swings for 1 minute (work activity), then squats for 1 minute (rest activity).

By combining total body movements (squats, lunges, pushups rows, etc.) with cardiovascular movement (running, jumping jacks, jump rope, etc…) you can create your own customized optimal workout. Start out with a 1:3 work to rest ratio. That is, a work activity of 1 minute, and rest activity of 3 minutes. After you are comfortable with that routine, challenge yourself with 1:2, 1:1 and even a 2:1 work to rest ratio. 

Start with exercises you are already familiar with then expand to more dynamic and explosive movements.  A qualified personal trainer can help you choose the best exercises, intensities, and ratios to meet your goals.

Using appropriate weight of dumbbells, medicine ball, or sandbells: 30 seconds of the work activity with 1 minute of  a rest activity

Two foot sagital (front to back) Jump: 30 seconds of a forward lunge with both hands reaching to feet: 30 seconds on each leg (1 minute total) , one minute of a rest activity
Two foot frontal ( side to side) jump: 30 seconds.

Same Side Frontal lunge w/ bilateral hand reach at chest height---30 seconds on each leg (1 minute total)

Two foot Rotation jump (clock wise, counter clock wise): 30 seconds

Same Side  Rotation lunge w/ bilateral shoulder press: 30 seconds each leg (1 min total)

Thursday, July 28, 2011


The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art." 
~Leonardo da Vinci

Can technology create a better foot? 
No! The human foot consists of 26 bones and 33 joints. The foot contains 31 muscles, 20 in the foot itself and 11 muscles that cross over the ankle from above. The foot is considered to have three subdivisions: the forefoot (front part of foot, including toes), midfoot, and hindfoot (rear part of foot, including heel). The foot has three arches. The medial longitudinal arch (of the inside border of the foot) is the highest and most important of the three arches. The lateral longitudinal arch (of the outside border of the foot) is lower and flatter than the medial arch. The transverse arch is at right angles to the longitudinal arches.  The arches of the foot are maintained not only by the shapes of the bones themselves, but also by the ligaments that tie the bones together.  In addition, muscles and tendons play an important role in supporting the arches.

What is up with all the weird shoes?

Companies are trying to capitalize on this multimillion dollar enterprise. Everyone wants to run faster, jump higher or lose weight just by wearing a pair of shoes. The reality is that some of these creations are just fine, but others have potential hazards. What I find funny is that they are all trying to capitalize on bare foot technology.  Vibrams, bare foot runners make a minimalist shoe trying to keep the foot as close to naked as possible.  All the Rocker shoes (shape ups, et al) are based on the original MTB  shoe (Massi Barefoot Technology).
The human foot is completely unique from any other animal in the world because we have the biomechanics of efficiently upright walking. The foot has two important functions: weight bearing and propulsion. Both of these functions require a high degree of stability. We must be able to support the load of the body above. In addition, the foot must be pliable, each step we take our foot must be able to absorb the shock of hitting the ground and be able to adapt to standing and walking on uneven surfaces.  Furthermore the foot needs the ability to stiffen; this allows the foot to become a leaver, allowing the toe to push off and propel the body forward.  The multiple bones and joints  and arches of the foot give it pliability, stability and stiffness needed to perform optimally. 
As the foot hits the ground and the ground hits the foot with an opposite and equal force, a lot of energy is absorbed. A good foot will allow all 33 joints to help decelerate this energy, so it can be used to help propel the body forward. Not only that—a good foot will allow the joints above the foot to also help decelerate and absorb impact, and then use this energy for propulsion or un-loading.

When we walk with shoes, the first thing that usually hits the ground is the heel.  If the shoe alters these mechanics it can lead to problems in the hips, knees and back. The issue with rocker shoes is that they cause the heel strike to be very far back on the heel, leading to excessive extension of the knee. Additionally, as the foot rolls through the “roller sole”, joints, muscles and ligaments of the foot do not need to work. In essence, we are turning the foot off. The forces that are usually dissipated by the foot will now travel further up the chain and a joint higher up (knee, hip, and back) will take a bigger hit.

The bare foot shoes are designed to mimic how the foot was originally designed to work. The problems with these shoes are that over time many individuals feet have been in a variety of  wrong shoes and have sustained either minor or major injury. This generally creates a foot which is less then optimal.  Some of these conditions make it important for these individual’s feet to have a more cushioning or supportive structure.  When many foot issues exist, the barefoot shoes may not the best shoe for that individual to wear. Other than that, these shoes are great for a good portion of the population.

Ideally, these shoes can be worn by younger individuals and those without a history of foot problems. Caution needs to be taken for all who begin to wear them.  They need to be weaned into gradually. Let your foot get used to creating more motion and absorbing more forces. With proper break in time, most people have success in these shoes.

Is there a perfect shoe?

The multimillion dollar industry of athletic shoes strives to find the “perfect shoe.”

Even with so many options, improper footwear seems to be every place you look.  Most shoes, to some degree, inhibit the energy that would normally get dissipated in the foot. The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; therefore, this energy just keeps traveling up the chain. The knee is the joint above the foot, and is the first in line to decelerate this energy. Since everything is connected in the body, what the foot doesn't do optimally will only be placed upon other joints up the chain.

In a nutshell, the optimal shoe is an individual fit.  There is no one perfect shoe.  Individuals need to find the most flexible and least restrictive shoe their foot can tolerate.

Can we believe all the hype and spokespeople?
NO!! This is a multimillion dollar industry. 
These companies want your dollars.  Brooke Burke did not get that body wearing shape ups!  When performing a research review, I could find no credible research studies on any of the Rocker Bottom shoes.  Most of the data is anecdotal or is based on a study performed on a small group by the company itself.  MTB has been brought to court over its misleading claims.  Sketches is under an increasing group if lawsuits from individuals who have been injured in the shoes.  In the case of Vibrams, most of the independent studies (Harvard, Scientific America) have been focused on only running benefits.  But, again most of the information is anecdotal.
In summary, think for yourself. Do not be influenced by expensive campaigns to sway your mind.  If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!  There is not a cure all or magic pill for anything.  My best advice again is to find the most flexible and least restrictive shoe your foot can tolerate.  If you have numerous problems with your foot, consult a professional (Podiatrist, Orthopedic foot specialist) who can steer you to the right shoe or orthotic.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Anterior Tibialis and the Peroneal Group
Jeanmarie Scordino M.Ed.
Exercise Physiologist

Let's take a look at the front side of the lower leg.  The two main muscle groups are the Anterior Tibialis and the Peroneal Group.  In most training programs these groups are rarely thought about. They are very important to how your foot functions so that you can walk properly. They aid in how your foot lands as you take a step and they help to push off for the next step. 

A great exercise for these muscles is a one leg squat, which trains much of the lower leg. It is especially good at firing up the muscles in the front of the lower leg (Anterior Tibialis and the Peroneal Group).  As you lower the body the foot stays flat on the floor, while the lower leg moves forward causing dorsiflexion of the ankle. The body, including the lower leg, is working to stabilize the body above it in all planes of motion. The ankle and the hip work together to lower the body. This exercise also helps to improve proprioception which is the bodies ability to sense where it is in space.

 TIP: If the exercise causes pain in the knee, try to sit back in to the hips more.


1.     Stand on one foot and place the non-weight bearing foot directly next to the opposite ankle. If necessary use support to hold for balance.
2.     Begin squating until you feel the tension in the lower extremity. Press your hips back so you do not jut the knee over your toes.
3.     Return to the start/standing position while driving the heel into the ground.
4.     Repeat the same movement pattern for 8 -10 repetitions.


Once you get the hang of this your can add intensity and  multi-plane motion by changing where you reach the raised foot. To increase motion in the sagital plane ( front to back) as you squat, extend the raised foot in front and/or behind you.  To increase the intensity in the frontal plane (side to side), reach your leg out to the side of your body and then reach it to cross in front and back of you.  Finally, to focus on the transverse plane (rotation), rotate the hips to the same side as you lower the body.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Hi! I'm Your Foot

Hi, I’m your foot!, I am often ignored till problems occur or you have found a fabulous pair of shoes for me. Unfortunately, many times those fabulous shoes are part of the problem.  Most people don’t know that 25% (that’s ¼) of all the bones in the body are in your foot, Me! I contain 26 bones in total( plus 2 sesamoid bone imbedded in the tendons), combine that with 33 joints, 107 ligaments and 19 muscles and I am an architectural masterpiece. Leonardo daVinci called me a "masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.” Only a small percentage of people are born with any foot problems. So why do 3 out of 4 Americans have serious foot problems in there lifetime?  It is neglect and lack of awareness to proper care and use, often times improperly fitted shoes, which bring on problems. Women tend to have 4 times more problems. High heels cause the body to lean forward leading to many back aches and the shortening of the calf muscles over time can result in knocking the spine out of alignment.  I do a magnificent job in balancing you body, there are message flung back and forth between me, the spinal cord, proprioceptors and the brain to constantly re-adjust to keep you standing tall.  Just wait till you start walking; now I go through a series of complex actions to propel you along. I take the initial shock in my heel and allow my foot to be loose and flexible to absorb the shock.  As you take a step, your weight shifts forward. I stiffen up so you have a nice firm surface which to propel off of and then the big toe sends you off with a great push. If any thing happens to disturb this balance of motion, the rest of your body is sure to feel it, especially your knees and low back.
It is important to take good care of me. First, good shoes are a must.  I enjoy walking bare foot on uneven surfaces though I generally prefer a good shoe on hard surfaces. Exercising me is one of the best things you can do if you don’t want to spend your golden years sitting on your bottom.  By creating movements that make me move in all planes of motion you contribute to improved circulation, and my ability to do my job.  If I loose motion in any direction, I will start to compensate. I stop doing my job as I should and that makes other parts of the body have to take on task they normally wouldn’t.  Often time this results in pain somewhere else in your body.

Remember to take care of me and wear good shoes. (More on this soon!) I’m glad we had this chat; I look forward to a great working relationship with you in the future!