Sunday, June 3, 2012


We live in one of the most beautiful places in the world with many opportunities to get out and explore our environment.  But many hide in the air conditioning and never take advantage of all the great opportunities.  This inactivity does not go unnoticed by our children and other young people in our lives.  It is time for ourselves and those we love to get out and PLAY!

The rise in childhood obesity is frightening, which is why teaching healthy behaviors at a young age is essential. Behaviors involving physical activity and nutrition are the cornerstone of preventing obesity in children and adolescents.  Physically active children have fewer chronic health problems than kids who are sedentary.  It is also evident that fit children do better in school, have greater self-confidence and higher self-esteem. The childhood obesity trend is not only producing unfit children but promoting a society of individuals with a myriad of health issues. Get your kids moving!  You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on teams and sporting equipment, just get your kids outside, running, jumping, biking – just playing.

As parents, friends and teachers we can not only help ourselves improve our fitness levels and lose those extra pounds, but we can be good role models to the current youth and help them see that fitness and a healthy life style can be fun and a central pillar in our pursuit of happiness!